To check if Go is installed on your system, you can run the following command:
$ go
If there is no error and the mouse pointer keeps blinking, then it means a version of Go is indeed installed on your system.
To find out what version of Go is installed, you need to run Go with the version flag version
$ go version
This will tell you the version of Go installed on your system.
Firstly, you must download the latest official curl
command to download the required package:
$ curl -o golang.pkg
Now, to install the Go distribution, run the following command:
$ sudo open golang.pkg
This will open the Go installation wizard. Follow through with the wizard instructions to complete your installation.
Now that you have installed the Go release on your system, you need to set environment variables. Running the following three commands will set the required environment variable paths:
$ export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/Projects/Proj1
$ export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
With this, you have successfully installed and set up your Go workplace. Check if everything is working properly by checking the version, using the following command:
$ go version
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