How to convert a string to a date in Python

In Python, the data type which represents the date is called datetime class. Apart from the datetime class, the date can also be represented as a string which we can see in the code below:

myDate = "16-July-2023"
#Prints the Date as a string

Python allows you to convert the string type date into a datetime object using strptime() method.


The syntax for the method used to convert string to datetime object is strptime(x,y) where:

  • x is the the date entered in the string.

  • y is the format directives in which the string date is stored. Following are the directives for date.

Date formatting directives and their uses





Date of the month (zero padded)



Date of the month (without zero padding)



Full month name

January, February,..., December


Abbreviated month

Jan, Feb, Mar,..., Dec


Month number (zero-padded)

01, 02, 03,..., 12


Month number (without zero padding)

1, 2, 3,..., 12


Year without century (zero-padded)

00, 01, 02,..., 99


Year without century (without zero padding)

0, 1, 2,.., 99


Year with century

1900, 2001, 2023 etc.

The code below demonstrates the conversion of the string into a datetime object using strptime() method:

from datetime import datetime
#Date as a string
dateString = "02-July-2023"
print(f"Date as {type(dateString)} is {dateString}")
#Converting string date into datetime object
dateTimeObj = datetime.strptime(dateString, "%d-%B-%Y")
print(f"Date as {type(dateTimeObj)} is {dateTimeObj}")

Code Explanation

  • Line 1: Imports datetime class from datetime library.

  • Line 3–5: Stores the date as a string in dateString variable and displays it along with its type.

  • Line 7–9: Uses strptime() method for converting the date (stored in dateString variable) in a datetime object. The converted date is then stored in the dateTimeObj variable. The following figure explains the use of appropriate directives in the code:

Directives have to be in a similar format to the strings
Directives have to be in a similar format to the strings

The code will only be executed if the entered directives adhere to the format in which the string is stored. Otherwise, the code will show an error, as illustrated below:

from datetime import datetime
#Date as a string
dateString = "02-July-2023"
print(f"Date as {type(dateString)} is {dateString}")
#Converting string date into datetime object
dateTimeObj = datetime.strptime(dateString, "%d-%b-%Y")
print(f"Date as {type(dateTimeObj)} is {dateTimeObj}")

%b directive was used in the code above, although the month name is not abbreviated. Hence it threw an error.

Test Yourself

What is the correct use of strptime() in the following scenario?

from datetime import datetime
def myDate():
#Date as a string
dateString = "04/Dec/23"
dateTimeObj = #write your solution here
return dateTimeObj
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