How to create a circular linked list with helper methods in C++

Data structures are specialized formats for storing, processing, and organizing data. Linked lists are one of the most popular data structures. They specialize in holding onto a dynamic set of data elements. There are two kinds of basic linked lists: singly and doubly linked lists. Both of these have another particular variation called a circular linked list. In a circular linked list, all linked list nodes connect to form a circle. This means that the last node connects with the first node (and the first node with the last if it is a circular doubly linked list).

The following figure shows the structure of a circular singly linked list where each node has a data element and a pointer pointing to the next node. The last node's pointer indicates the head node for a circular linked list. This then forms a circular formation of the linked list of data elements.

Circular singly linked list
Circular singly linked list

Similarly, the following figure shows the structure of a circular doubly linked list where each node has a data element, a next pointer, and a previous pointer. For this to be a circular linked list, the tail node's next pointer points to the head node, and the head node's previous pointer points to the tail node creating a circular formation of linked list data elements.

Circular doubly linked list
Circular doubly linked list

The following is a fully functional code for a singly linked list in C++ using helper methods such as insert and display functions.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node
int data_value;
Node* next;
Node(int input_value)
data_value = input_value;
next = nullptr;
class CircularLinkedList
Node* head;
head = nullptr;
void insert(int data_value)
Node* new_node = new Node(data_value);
if (head == nullptr)
head = new_node;
new_node->next = head;
Node* traverse_node = head;
while (traverse_node->next != head)
traverse_node = traverse_node->next;
traverse_node->next = new_node;
new_node->next = head;
void display()
if (head == nullptr)
cout << "List is empty." <<endl;
Node* traverse_node = head;
while (traverse_node != nullptr)
cout << traverse_node->data_value << " ";
traverse_node = traverse_node->next;
if (traverse_node == head)
cout << endl;
int main()
CircularLinkedList circularList;
// insert
// display
return 0;
C++ Code for a Circular Singly Linked List

Code explanation

  • To create this linked list, we require two classes; Node Class and CircularLinkedList class.

  • The Node class has:

    • Lines 7–8: It creates an integer data_value element and a next node pointer.

    • Lines 10–14: It has a parameterized constructor for creating a new node with a given data element.

  • The CircularLinkedList class has:

    • Lines 22–25: Its default constructor initializes the linked list's head to a null pointer.

    • insert function:

      • Lines 27: It takes a data_value element as a parameter.

      • Lines 28: It creates a new_node with the given data element.

      • Lines 30–35: If the head pointer is null, then it adds the new_node to the head and sets its next pointer to itself.

      • Lines 37–43: If not, traverse the linked list using a traverse_node (temporary) pointer until the last element is reached.

      • Lines 42–43: It attaches the new_node to the end of the last node and points its next pointer to the head.

Time complexities

Finally, we come to the worst-case time complexities of our circular singly linked list. When creating our linked list, our insertion function has a time complexity ofO(n) O(n) , where n is the number of nodes. This is because we have to traverse our entire linked list to insert our node with our data element.

Space complexity

The space complexity of a circular singly linked list isO(n)O(n), where n is the number of elements. This is due to the storage requirements for saving each component of the list with its data value and pointer.


Which of the following statements about circular singly linked lists is correct?


Circular singly linked lists have a beginning and an end and each node points to the previous node.


Circular singly linked lists have a beginning and an end and the last node points to the first node.


Circular singly linked lists have only one node, which points to itself.


Circular singly linked lists have a fixed size and cannot be dynamically resized.

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