How to get the square, cube, and square root of a number in Java


In Java, we can get the square, cube, and square root of a number using the Math class. With the Math.pow() method, we can get the cube and square of the number. With Math.sqrt(), we can get the square root of the number.


// for squre
Math.pow(number, 2)
// for cube
Math.pow(number, 3)
// for squre root
The syntax for getting the square, cube and square root of a number


number: This is the number whose cube, square, and square root we want to get.

Return value

The square, cube, and square root of the number value are returned.


class HelloWorld {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
// create some numbers
int no1 = 4;
int no2 = 100;
int no3 = 9;
int no4 = 0;
// get their square, square roots and cube
// create a method to get the square, square root and cube of a numbet
static void getResults(int number){
System.out.println("\nFor "+number);
// the square
System.out.println("The square is "+Math.pow(number, 2));
// the cube
System.out.println("The cube is "+Math.pow(number, 3));
// the squre root
System.out.println("The square root is "+Math.sqrt(number));
Get the square, square root and cube of a number in Java


  • Lines 4-7: We create some numbers.
  • Line 17: We create a function called getResults() that takes a number as an argument and prints the square, square root, and cube of that number.
  • Lines 10-13: We invoke the getResults() function on the numbers we create. This function displays the square, square root, and cube of each number to the console.

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