How to implement a Martian-themed skybox in Unity (Part 3)

In Unity, creating an immersive environment is key to game design, and a skybox is an essential element for setting the scene’s backdrop. In this tutorial, we’ll focus on implementing a skybox with a Martian theme, giving our 3D scene a unique and captivating atmosphere reminiscent of Mars.

This Answer is part of the introductory series on how to build a first-person shooter game using Unity.

Let’s dive into what we’ll be creating together in this tutorial.

To implement a Martian-themed skybox in Unity, we must create or find appropriate textures that resemble the Martian atmosphere and apply them to a skybox material. A Martian sky typically has a reddish hue with a dusty atmosphere. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this.

Step 1: Setting up the scene

To start, we will create a new Unity 3D project and set up a scene for the game. The default scene includes a main camera along with a directional light. If we already have a scene, we can start with that instead. We will modify the scene from the Implement a weapon switching system Answer.

Step 2: Acquiring the Martian skybox textures

The Martian skybox effect requires specific textures that replicate the red, dusty atmosphere of Mars. We can either create these textures or find them in the Unity Asset Store. For simplicity, we will use the Sky asset from the Unity Asset Store, which offers an authentic Martian appearance. We should ensure that we have six images (front, back, left, right, top, and bottom) or a cubemap for this purpose.

Step 3: Creating and configuring the skybox material

We’ll create a new material in the “Project” window (“Right-click > Create > Material”) and name it “MartianSkybox.” In the Material’s “Inspector” window, we will select “Skybox” from the “Shader” drop-down list. Then, under “Cubemap,” we’ll choose the Skybox that suits our needs and adjust the properties to achieve the desired Martian atmosphere.

Martian Material in Inspector window
Martian Material in Inspector window

We can also apply a Martian terrain texture to the plane in our scene. To do so, download the package by clicking the button below and import it into the project.

Step 4: Applying the skybox material to the scene

To apply the skybox material to the scene, we’ll follow these steps:

  1. We will navigate to “Window > Rendering > Light” and open the “Environment” tab.

  2. We will drag and drop the “MartianSkybox” material into the skybox field.

Step 5: Adjusting the lighting and atmosphere

For a more authentic Martian look, we can adjust the scene’s lighting and atmosphere. For that, we can use a directional light with a reddish tint to simulate Martian sunlight. Moreover, we can experiment with Unity’s fog settings to add a dusty, mysterious feel to the Martian landscape.

Example of Martian skybox effect
Example of Martian skybox effect

Play here!

Note: Click the “Run” button below to start the game. Once the game is rendered, interact with it by clicking on the “Output” screen. Alternatively, you can access the game by clicking the link provided after “Your app can be found at:.”

import React from 'react';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './app.js';

  <App />, 

Stay tuned for our next tutorial, which will explore creating and destroying enemy GameObjects upon collision in Unity.

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