Understanding JavaScript object accessors

JavasScript is a very powerful and versatile language that plays a fundamental role in web development and is known for manipulating its objects and data in various ways. Objects are one of its core concepts, and we manipulate objects using properties. Properties are attributes of objects. They define the state and behavior of an object. Properties can be considered as variables that belong to an object. These variables can hold values including primitive datatypes like string, boolean, integer, etc., or complex datatypes like another object of functions.

In this answer, we’ll explore the world of JavaScript accessor properties and how they relate to JavaScript objects with practical examples of their usage.

What are accessor properties?

Accessor properties are special JavasScript properties created by using special functions known as getters and setters. These functions allow us to define custom behavior while retrieving or modifying the value of a JavaScript object’s properties.


Getter functions are used to retrieve the value of a property. These functions are defined by using the get keyword followed by the name of the property.

const person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
get fullName() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
console.log(person.fullName); // John Doe

Code explanation

  • Line 4: We define the getter function fullName() for the fullName property using the get keyword.

  • Line 5: Inside this getter function, we concatenate firstName and lastName with a white space between them and return the concatenated value.

  • Line 9: We’re accessing the full name with person.fullName accessor property of the person object.


Setters are the functions used to change a property’s value. They’re defined using the set keyword followed by the name of the property.

const person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
set fullName(name) {
const parts = name.split(" ");
this.firstName = parts[0];
this.lastName = parts[1];
person.fullName = "Jane Smith";
console.log(person.firstName); // Jane
console.log(person.lastName); // Smith

Code explanation

  • Line 4: We define the setter function fullName() using set keyword for the fullName property. It takes a single argument, name, which represents the value that will be assigned to the fullName property.

  • Line 5: Inside the setter function, we split the full name (name) into an array named parts using the split() method with white space (" ") as the base of splitting.

  • Line 6: We update the firstName property with the first element of the parts array as the updated value.

  • Line 7: We update the lastname property with the next element in the parts array.

  • Line 11: We provide Jane Smith as the value to the fullName property, which is then also passed as the argument to the setter function.

Benefits of accessor properties

Accessor properties provide a lot of benefits, such as

  • Encryption: Getters and setters provide a way to encapsulate the internal state of an object. We can hide the complexity of accessing a property and its modification behind the custom logic.

  • Validation: We can validate inputs before setting them. This provides us with the opportunity to avoid invalid data.

  • Computed properties: Accessor properties allow us to generate computed properties when we need dynamically generated values.


It’s essential to comprehend properties when working with JavaScript objects, and accessor properties of JavaScript provide a powerful mechanism for controlling and customizing property access and modification in objects. We can build more manageable, strong, and efficient JavaScript code by comprehending and leveraging accessor properties, making our applications more flexible and adaptive to changing requirements.

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