What are hidden classes and inline caching in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that finds applications in both front-end and back-end development. To enhance the performance of JavaScript code, it’s important to have a knowledge of the workings of JavaScript engines. Two advanced concepts, hidden classes and inline caching, hold the potential to greatly influence the execution speed of our JavaScript code.

Hidden classes

Properties can be added or removed from objects at runtime in JavaScript as they’re dynamic in nature. Since JavaScript engines require optimizing property access and storage, this dynamic nature of JavaScript, with properties that can change at runtime, hinders JavaScript engines in optimizing property access, potentially slowing down performance due to the need for constant adaptation.

Hidden classes, also known as shapes or transitions, are an optimization technique used by JavaScript engines like V8 (used in Chrome) and SpiderMonkey (used in Firefox). They improve performance by grouping objects with similar structures, making property access faster due to more efficient property optimization and faster property access.

Let’s illustrate this with an example:

// Define a constructor function Point that takes x and y as parameters
function Point(x, y) {
// Assign the x and y values to properties of the current instance
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// Create two Point objects using the constructor
const point1 = new Point(1, 2);
const point2 = new Point(3, 4);
// Log the properties of point1 and point2

In this example, a constructor function Point is defined to create objects representing points in a two-dimensional space. It takes two parameters, x and y, and assigns them to properties x and y of the created objects.

Two point objects, point1 and point2, are instantiated using this constructor. They hold different values for x and y. Without hidden classes, the engine will use a slower mechanism to access these properties.

Now, consider this code:

// Define a constructor function Point that takes x and y as parameters
function Point(x, y) {
// Assign the x and y values to properties of the current instance
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// Create two Point objects using the constructor
const point1 = new Point(1, 2);
const point2 = new Point(3, 4);
// Add a new property z to point1 and point2
point1.z = 5;
point2.z = 6;
// Log the properties of point1 and point2, including the newly added z property

In this case, the hidden class optimization allows the engine to optimize property access even when properties are added later. This leads to faster code execution.

Inline caching: A performance booster

Inline caching is an additional optimization method that works hand in hand with hidden classes. Its main goal is to enhance the speed of property access by storing property lookup operations in a cache.

How it works

When a property is accessed, the JavaScript engine examines whether the pattern of property access remains consistent. If it does, the engine establishes a cache specifically for that property access. This cache then results in faster subsequent access to the property.

Here’s an example:

// Define a function getUserDetails that takes the 'user' object as a parameter
function getUserDetails(user) {
// Create a string with user details using template literals
return `Name: ${user.name}, Age: ${user.age}`;
// Create two user objects with name and age properties
const user1 = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
const user2 = { name: 'Hanna', age: 25 };
// Log the user details using the getUserDetails function

In the above code, the getUserDetails function accesses the name and age properties of user objects and generates a string based on this data. Because the property access pattern is consistent (it always accesses name and age properties), the JavaScript engine can apply inline caching.

How it works

When the function is initially called for user1, the engine records the property access pattern (i.e., accessing name and age). When the function is called again for user2, it recognizes the same access pattern and uses the cached information to access these properties. This caching optimizes the function calls for both user1 and user2, making them faster.

Leveraging hidden classes and inline caching

To leverage hidden classes and inline caching in our JavaScript code, we should keep the following points in mind:

  1. Maintain consistent property order: While creating objects that share similar structures, it’s a good practice to maintain a consistent property order. This helps the engine optimize property access in a more efficient manner.

  2. Avoid dynamic property addition: It’s advisable to reduce the practice of dynamically adding or removing properties from objects, particularly when working within loops or frequently executed code sections. This practice can potentially disrupt inline caching mechanisms.

  3. Optimize property access: Keep an eye out for frequently used attributes in the code. When property access patterns are predictable, inline caching works best.

  4. Use constructors: If we create multiple objects with the same structure, consider using constructor functions. Engines can optimize constructor-based object creation better.

  5. Measure and profile: Always measure the performance impact of your code changes. Profiling tools like Chrome DevTools can help us identify areas where hidden classes and inline caching can make a difference.


Hidden classes and inline caching are advanced concepts in JavaScript that play a vital role in optimizing code execution. By grasping the working of these mechanisms and adhering to established guidelines, we can craft JavaScript code that not only achieves optimal performance but also harnesses the complete capabilities of contemporary JavaScript engines.

Note: Although these enhancements can amplify efficiency, they represent only a portion of the puzzle. The readability and maintainability of your code, and making appropriate algorithm choices hold equal significance. Achieving an equilibrium between optimization and code excellence is the pathway toward becoming an adept JavaScript developer.

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