What is NOT LIKE operator in SQL?

Key takeaways:

  • The NOT LIKE operator excludes rows from query results based on specific patterns.

  • Wildcards % and _ allow flexible pattern matching in the NOT LIKE operations.

  • NOT LIKE is case-insensitive by default, but collation settings can affect this behavior.

  • Precise pattern matching can be achieved using _ for single characters and % for multiple characters.

  • NOT LIKE can effectively filter out data that starts or ends with certain patterns or exclude entries with specific characteristics.

Assuming the goal is to filter products from a database for the upcoming summer sale on an e-commerce platform, the task was to highlight items ideal for the summer season while excluding those with winter-related attributes or other irrelevant keywords. These winter-related attributes might include terms like “Winter,” “Snow,” “Thermal,” or “Coat.” To ensure the summer sale featured only the most relevant products, it was essential to exclude these winter-related entries. To fulfill this requirement, SQL provides a powerful tool: the NOT LIKE operator.

SQL’s NOT LIKE operator

Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce designed SQL, which includes a range of filtering operators to refine query results. Among these operators, the NOT LIKE operator excludes rows based on specific patterns, enhancing the ability to filter data effectively. By defining a pattern with wildcards, we can exclude records that match certain criteria, effectively narrowing down the dataset to only those entries that do not conform to the unwanted pattern.

The NOT LIKE operator is a negation of the LIKE operator.


The following is the basic syntax for using SQL’s NOT LIKE operator.

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE column NOT LIKE pattern
  • SELECT column1, column2, ...: Specifies the columns to retrieve.

  • FROM table_name: Indicates the table from which to retrieve data.

  • WHERE column_name NOT LIKE pattern: Filters rows where the column_name does not match the pattern. Here pattern can be defined using the % and _ wildcards.


How does NOT LIKE handle case sensitivity in SQL?

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Let’s use code examples to understand the NOT LIKE operator functionality with wildcards for different scenarios.

1. Use NOT LIKE with the % wildcard character

The % is a wildcard character that matches a string's zero, one, or more characters. For example, if we want to filter names that do not start with 'A', we will first apply % wildcard to search for names starting with 'A' letter and then apply NOT LIKE operator. This will return filtered data containing only names other than names starting with "A".

Code example for NOT LIKE with the % wildcard
Code example for NOT LIKE with the % wildcard

Let’s see different use cases of using the Python NOT LIKE operator.

Checking a substring

We can use this operator to extract those rows that don’t have a particular substring. As an example, suppose that we have a Student table, as follows:









WHERE FirstName NOT LIKE '%B%'

Checking the start or end of a string

Another common use of this operator is excluding rows where a string starts or ends with a particular string.

The following query returns the rows in which FirstName doesn’t start with A:


Similarly, the query below returns the rows in which FirstName doesn’t end with d:

WHERE FirstName NOT LIKE '%d'

2. Use NOT LIKE with the _ wildcard character

The underscore _ is used when we want to match a single character at a specific position in a string. It’s useful for more precise pattern matching. Let’s see the following illustration to understand the _ wildcard character using the example.

Code example for NOT LIKE with the _ wildcard
Code example for NOT LIKE with the _ wildcard

As an example, suppose that we have the following Demo table, as follows:















The following code example first extracts elements of length 3 that end with 't'. Next, NOT LIKE uses this result to filter them from the whole table and returns those inputs that are not length 3 and do not end in 't'.


A common example of using the NOT LIKE operation with _ wildcard that filters the phone numbers involves excluding entries that do not start with a specific prefix followed by a fixed number of characters. For example, suppose we want to exclude all phone numbers that start with the area code (124) followed by exactly 8 more digits ((124) ________).


What is the purpose of the NOT LIKE operator in SQL?


To include rows that don’t match a specific pattern


To exclude rows that match a specific pattern


To update rows in a table


To sort rows in ascending order

Question 1 of 50 attempted

In conclusion, the NOT LIKE operator in SQL is a great tool for filtering out records that match specific patterns. By leveraging wildcards such as % and _, we can effectively exclude data that meets unwanted criteria. It is useful in scenarios where we need to exclude entries based on complex patterns or conditions.

Frequently asked questions

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What is pattern matching?

Pattern matching is a technique used in SQL to search for specific patterns within strings.

What is SQL’s WHERE clause?

The WHERE clause in SQL is used to filter records to only obtain those that satisfy the given condition.

What is the pattern exclusion?

Pattern exclusion is a concept of excluding results that match a given pattern using NOT LIKE operator.

What are wildcards?

Wildcards are special characters to represent unknown or variable parts of a string. It is useful for pattern matching.

What is negative pattern matching?

Negative pattern matching uses the NOT LIKE operator to find records that do not match a specific pattern.

What is collation in DBMS?

Collation in a database management system (DBMS) is a configuration setting that specifies how a database sorts and compares data.

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