For developers, by developers
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Understanding CSS Flexbox

Learn how to get started with CSS Flexbox.
Marketing @ Educative
Sep 10 · 2024
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Optimizing System Design with Django’s MVT

When it comes to full-stack web frameworks, Django is among the most widely used and well-regarded options. Discover the secrets of using the MVT framework to create scalable and top-notch web applications in this blog.
Muaz Niazi
Jul 11 · 2024
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Adding multi-factor authentication to your web application

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of web applications by adding an extra layer of verification beyond just a username and password. It is important for enhancing security, protecting against various types of attacks, complying with regulations, improving user experience, and reducing the risk of unauthorized access to accounts.
Maham Amjad
Jun 7 · 2024
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The best web developer roadmap for 2024

Web development is a highly recommended starting point for aspiring software engineers, offering a beginner-friendly introduction to programming through technologies like HTML and JavaScript. These foundational skills are applicable across many programming languages and ease the learning curve. The field spans various industries, including emerging areas like Web3 and AI integration, ensuring broad career opportunities despite the automation of some tasks by AI coding tools. Importantly, a degree in computer science is not necessary to begin; with dedication and the right resources, you can quickly learn and build a strong career in web development, underscored by continuous education and portfolio development.
Aisha Noor
May 22 · 2024
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Get started with React Native: An introductory guide

Embark on your React Native journey with this introductory guide, perfect for beginners eager to build their first mobile apps. React Native stands out as a powerful cross-platform development framework that allows developers to build mobile applications using a single JavaScript-based codebase, thus streamlining the development process across both iOS and Android platforms. It leverages familiar technologies like JavaScript and React, reducing development time and costs while ensuring a consistent and responsive user interface. Popular apps like Facebook, Instagram, UberEats, and Pinterest utilize React Native, demonstrating its effectiveness and scalability. This guide covers the basics of setting up and running a "Hello World" application in React Native, providing insights into the initial steps, prerequisites, and choices between development environments like Expo and React Native CLI.
Rizwan Iqbal
May 16 · 2024
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Learn Django: A beginner's guide

In this blog, we explore the fundamental concepts of Django web development. Starting with installing and setting up a Django project, we explore the Model-View-Template architecture and delve into creating models to represent data structures, views to handle HTTP requests, and templates to render dynamic content. This blog explains creating a new Django project and app, detailing the structure and purpose of essential files and directories like,, and Each step is designed to help beginners understand backend development fundamentals and how Django's model-template-view architecture streamlines web application development.
Ammar Ahmad Farid
May 7 · 2024
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The best .NET developer roadmap for 2024

Starting a journey to become a proficient .NET Framework developer involves mastering various foundational and advanced skills. You begin with general development skills like version control and web fundamentals, one should progress to learning C# and the .NET basics, including frameworks and essential tools like Visual Studio. Understanding ASP.NET Core fundamentals is critical, as it facilitates the creation of modern, scalable applications. Further skill development should include mastering database integration and front-end technologies and adhering to design and architectural principles like SOLID and microservices. Advanced stages involve diving into cloud computing, continuous integration/deployment, security, and performance optimization to ensure comprehensive development expertise and maintain industry relevance in a demanding market.
Aisha Noor
Apr 19 · 2024
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Developing Web Applications using PHP

Web development in PHP allows developers to create dynamic and interactive websites and applications. Its wide adoption, rich feature set, flexibility, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for developers looking to create robust and scalable web solutions. This blog covers how to get started with web development in PHP. Communication between the client and server is facilitated by HTTP protocols, with different requests like GET and POST. Web applications blend HTML with client-side scripting languages for interactivity and server-side languages like PHP for back-end processing. PHP is particularly valued for its simplicity and integration with HTML, making it ideal for creating dynamic web pages and managing data securely via databases. Essential for building scalable, secure web applications, understanding client-server interactions, data validation, and session management are foundational.
Maham Amjad
Apr 18 · 2024
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Understanding “this” in JavaScript

In many programming languages like C++ or Java, the concept of this is often associated with object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms. When you refer to this within a method or function in these languages, it typically points to the current instance of the class or object on which the method is being invoked. However, in JavaScript, the behavior of this differs significantly as its reference can change depending on the execution contexts. Understanding these dynamic context bindings is crucial for effectively utilizing this in JavaScript. In this comprehensive blog, we take an in-depth look at the diverse contexts and behaviors of the keyword this to explain its usage. Covering global and function contexts, alongside specific scenarios such as arrow functions and method contexts, we provide clear guidance on understanding how this operates in each situation. Additionally, we also explain implicit, explicit, and default binding, exploring methods like call(), bind(), and apply().
Ishrat Fatima
Apr 17 · 2024