

Uploading Necessary Files and Folders

Uploading Necessary Files and Folders

This lesson will teach you how to create a ASP.NET MVC Application locally and upload it to the Educative platform.

We'll cover the following...

Files and Folders required

We will be required to only upload our Dockerfile. Our project will be directly imported from GitHub.

We will dive into the details of the Dockerfile required for ASP.NETin the next lesson. The application can be any ASP.NET application that you want to run on Educative. We already provided one simple MVC application via Github Repository so you can get started quickly!

In case you are interested to see how an ASP.NET MVC application is created, please see the tutorial to download, install, and create the application locally in the Appendix!

The Tarball

In order to upload the Dockerfile, you are required to make a tarball that contains it.

Following is the command that is used to create a tarball:

Press + to interact
tar -czpf asp.tar.gz Dockerfile

The following tarball will be created after executing the above-mentioned command:


But before we learn how to upload files on Educative’s platform, we need to see what exactly is inside our tarball.

Here are the contents of the asp.tar.gz:

Press + to interact

Just a Dockerfile.

Note: If we wanted to upload our application code as well, we would have put it in the same directory as the Dockerfile and add it to the tarball:

Press + to interact
AspMVC // Application code
tar -czpf asp.tar.gz Dockerfile AspMVC // Tarball containing both

Now you are supposed to upload this tarball in the following section on the Course Edit Page:

Docker Setup on Educative
Docker Setup on Educative

So let’s discover how did we make the Dockerfile in the next lesson.