In this lesson, we will discuss briefly about the currently used technologies and will peek a bit into the past.
A Brief About Technologies
Technology is changing so fast that it is very hard, if not impossible to follow. The moment we learn about a new technology, it is already obsolete and replaced with something else.
Take containers as an example. Docker appeared only a few years ago, and everyone is already using it for a myriad of scenarios. Still, even though it is a very young product, it changed many times over. Just when we learned how to use docker run
, we were told that it is obsolete and should be replaced with docker-compose up
. We started converting all our docker run
commands into Compose YAML format.
The moment we finished the conversion, we learned that containers should not be run directly. We should use a container scheduler instead. To make things more complicated, we had to make a selection between Mesos and Marathon, Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes.
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