

Jupyter-based Projects

Jupyter-based Projects

Get into the details of the Jupyter-based projects.

Before jumping right into the Jupyter-based projects and preparing a custom environment for that, we must know:

Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is an online tool that allows us to create and share interactive code documents. It provides a straightforward, simplified, document-centric environment.

Jupyter Notebooks have a file extension, i.e., .ipynb.


Kernels execute interactive code written in a specific programming language and deliver results to the user. Kernels also respond to requests for tab completion and introspection.

Environmental setup

To set up an environment for our Jupyter-based projects, we have to create the following files:

If additional context is required, consider reading Project Runtime and then return to this lesson.

Dockerfile and config.py files

We have to prepare a Dockerfile with the required instructions and a config.py file as follows:

# Fetching the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Making the apt-get installation non-interactive
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# Installing the Python & Jupyter
RUN apt-get -y -q update \
&& apt-get -y -q install python3 python3-pip python-is-python3 \
&& python -m pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip jupyter \
&& apt-get -y -q autoremove && apt-get -y -q autoclean
# Adding the configuration file
ADD config.py /root/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py
Dockerfile to build a Docker image for Jupyter-based projects

Dockerfile explained

  • Line 2: We are using the latest version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the base image of our Dockerfile.

  • Line 5: We are making apt-get installations non-interactive

  • Lines 8-11: We are updating the packages list, installing python3, pip and jupyter, and clearing up the packages list and related information to keep the image size as low as possible.

  • Line 14: We are adding the configuration file for our notebooks. It contains preferences such as the port number (set to 8080) and the notebook directory (specified to /usercode).

Now that we have the required files, we can prepare a single tarball file of these files.

Make .tar.gz package

We need to compress the Dockerfile and the config.py files into a single tarball file. So in our terminal, we have to navigate to the directory where our files are present and use the following command to turn these assets into a tarball:

tar -czvf jupyterProject.tar.gz Dockerfile config.py

This command will take our Dockerfile and config.py files as inputs and create a single tarball file as output. The tarball file will be named jupyterProject.tar.gz.

Now that we have the tarball, we can upload it, create a Docker image, and configure the Docker job.

Upload the tarball

To upload the prepared tarball, we have to navigate to the Docker Container section that looks like this:

  1. Click on Change Docker File (Beta). Then select the tarball jupyterProject.tar.gz.

  2. Click on the Save button to start the docker image building process.

Adding the Docker job

Once the image is ready we can add the Docker Job by selecting Live job type as follows:

Live Demo

Now that we have done all the required steps, let’s navigate to any of our created task and preview it with following configurations:

Once we are in preview mode by clicking on the Launch Workspace, we’ll get the following output:

In the above-given screenshot, it’s been reflected that we got the required Jupyter Notebook environment that we can utilize according to our needs. Moreover, the file named exampleFile.txt is also there that we created in our earlier lessons using the editor option provided by the Workspace.

Let’s say we already included a file named exampleNotebook.ipynb using file editor or the upload option provided by Jupyter. How can we directly get into the file rather than the file tree as shown above?

The solution here is that we have to append the name of the file in the Workspace configurations Default URL as follows:

With this, when we’ll preview and launch the Workspace, we’ll get the desired output as follows:

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