That’s it!
You have done your first React app; it is pretty basic, but it’s the real deal.
I think that the most important thing that React brings to us is the idea of self-sustained pieces of UI - Components.
HTML, JS, and CSS are no longer separate as our web pages became complex and highly interactive. With components we should think about our code and markup in different terms:
- How can we reuse it?
- Could it be decorated and quickly adjust to new requirements?
- Is the API minimal? Can we remove something from it, not add?
- Is it free from excessive dependencies and coupling?
I am fascinated that React leans toward functional programming. Thinking about application state and DOM as an input/output stream of events makes total sense - this is how we can build great software, not only for our users but also for us developers.
React was the first domino in a chain of events, now we also have:
- Hot reload
- React-Router
- Flux and my favorite Redux
- React-Native
- Server Rendering
- Relay and GraphQl
…and it keeps going.
But as an engineer you should remember that we are solving problems - not playing with new and exotic technologies.
Because of this, in next course, I will focus on developing more sophisticated apps. We’ll look at the challenges that arise in creating large production apps.
Thanks that you chose this course, and I wish you never stop learning.
You may contact me with email or twitter
Sergey Lapin