Suffix Stream
Solve a hard-level problem of identifying word suffixes from a stream of characters.
Problem statement
Given an array of strings called words
and a stream of letters S
, check if a suffix of these letters is present as a string in the input array of words
. If a non-empty suffix is present as a string, then return true; else, return false.
Sample input
words: ["efg", "pqr"]S: ['e','p','q','r']
Sample output
One by one, the stream added the four characters 'e'
, 'p'
, 'q'
, and 'r'
1. No suffix of the character "e"
matches any word from the array.
2. No suffix of the characters "ep"
matches any word from the array.
3. No suffix of the characters "epq"
matches any word from the array.
4. The suffix "pqr" of the characters "epqr"
matches "pqr"
from the words array.
Try it yourself
Please try to solve the problem yourself before reading the solution.
#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;vector<bool> suffixStreamCheck(vector<string> words, vector<char> queryStream){// your code goes herevector<bool> result;return result;}
Hashset-based approach
One way is to insert all the words into the hashset and then check if any suffix of the query stream exists in the hashset or not. For efficiency, we reverse the words before inserting them into the hashset. While querying, we form reverse suffix strings beginning from the last character in the query stream and going to the first character. It's important to note that the stream input can be very large in size. We can optimize by only checking for suffix strings that are less than or equal to the length of the longest string in words.
SuffixStream {// initialize a setSet S// initialize a queryStreamString queryStreaminteger maxWordLength = 0;insertWords(words){for w in words {// reverse word and insert into setreverse(w)S.insert(w)// maintain the length of the longest word// in a variable maxWordLengthmaxWordLength = max(size(w), maxWordLength)}}query(ch) {queryStream += ch;String suffix// keep adding stream characters to generate suffix stringsfor(int i = size(queryStream)-1; i >= max(0, size(queryStream)-maxWordLength); i--) {suffix += queryStream[i];// check if suffix exists in setif(S.find(suffix))return true;}return false;}}
The illustration below depicts the hashset-based approach.
Time complexity
Let's consider the number of words in the list as