Environment Variables
We'll cover the following...
Now you might have .env
files in your projects such as configuration credentials for a Firebase app and you may be wondering how to incorporate that onto applications on Educative. Don’t worry as we have got you covered.
Read up the information on “Adding Environment Variables” in Author’s Guide.
Here is an example of a project “Integrating Firebase with React” that we set up on Educative:
GitHub Link
Press + to interact
FROM gcr.io/educative-exec-env/educative:latestMAINTAINER Alina FatimaRUN cd /usr/local/educative/ && \git clone https://github.com/the-road-to-react-with-firebase/react-firebase-authentication.git && \cd react-firebase-authentication && \npm install
Environment Variables
As you can see, the above application was very simple to set up on Educative. I hope the same is the case with your application. Good Luck!