Running a PySpark Project using Live App
In this lesson, we will set up Docker Job for PySpark
in Live Application.
Docker job for Live Application Widget (Jupyter Notebook)
Let’s see what each field in the above job means:
Select Docker job type
This is Docker Job Type selection in which we have to select what kind of docker job we are creating.
Job name
This is just a job name for reference. You can use any name you want to specify for this job.
Input file name
Name of the input file you want to run in the live widget. We are running the Jupyter Notebook server, so in our case, we will add a pseudo name here.
Run script
This script runs when we execute the code in the live widget. It is mandatory.
nohup jupyter notebook /usr/local/notebooks/helloworld.ipynb --allow-root --no-browser > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Application port
We have to specify the port on which we want to run it.
Start script
This script runs when we execute the Live Widget for the very first time. It is mandatory.
echo "Hello World"
Select Docker job and Override entry point
After creating the docker job for the Live Application widget now select it and override the entry point as given below.