Installing MetaMask
MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet that bridges the gap between the user interfaces for Ethereum and the regular web. Its function is to inject a JavaScript library called web3.js into the namespace of each page your browser loads. Web3.js is written by the Ethereum core team. MetaMask is mainly used as a plugin in the web browser. Let’s walk through the steps to install it on Google Chrome.
Step 1: Go to Chrome Web Store Extensions Section.
Step 2: Search MetaMask.
Step 3: Make sure that you are downloading the right version. This can be done my looking at the number of downloads.
Step 4: Click the Add to Chrome button.
Step 5: Once installation is complete this page will be displayed. Click on the Get Started button.
Step 6: This is probably your first time creating a wallet, so click the Create a Wallet button.
Step 7: Click I Agree button to allow data collection.
Step 8: Create a password for your wallet. This password is to be entered every time the browser is launched and wants to use MetaMask.
Step 9: Click on the dark area which says Click here to reveal secret words to get your secret phrase.
Step 10: This is the most important step. Make sure to back up your secret phrase properly. It is not recommended to store your secret phrase on your computer.
Note: Please read everything on this screen until you understand it completely before proceeding. The secret phrase is the only way to access your wallet if you forget your password.
Once done click the Next button.
Step 11: Click the buttons respective to the order of the words you stored in the previous step. If done correctly the Confirm button should turn blue.
Step 12: Click the Confirm button. And congratulations 🎉. You have finally installed the MetaMask on your browser.