
Learn how to apply the concatenate() method to combine data in pandas.

Concept of concatenate

The term concatenate is defined as the action of linking or stitching objects together in a chain. In the context of pandas, we concatenate different pandas objects together, e.g., a DataFrame with another DataFrame. The type of concatenation we can perform on the objects depends on the axis of the linkage, i.e., either row-wise or column-wise.

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Illustration of row-wise and column-wise axes
Illustration of row-wise and column-wise axes

For this lesson, we’ll use a mock dataset of cars insured by a motor insurance company to demonstrate how concatenation works.

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# Read data from CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('../usr/local/data/csv/insured_cars.csv')
# Display 10 sample rows

Row-wise concatenation

In row-wise concatenation, we’re linking two pandas objects on top of one another (i.e., vertically).

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Illustration of row-wise concatenation
Illustration of row-wise concatenation

Let’s say we have two DataFrames df_A and df_B, where df_A comprises data on cars with a model year before 2005 (inclusive). On the other hand, df_B comprises data on cars with a model year after 2006 (inclusive).

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# Display heads of DataFrames A and B
# Print line separator to better visualize different outputs
print('=' * 65)

To create a complete dataset (from df_A and df_B) with all the car model years present, the ...

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