

How Control Props Work

How Control Props Work

In this lesson, we'll make the Expandable component work so that the elements expand one at a time

Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Elements

Consider a simple input field.

Press + to interact
<input />

In React, a controlled input element will be defined like this:

Press + to interact
<input value={someValue} onChange={someHandler} />

Hmm, that’s different.

A controlled input component has its value and onChange handler managed externally.

This is exactly what we aim for when implementing the control props pattern. We want the internally-managed state to be manageable from the outside via props!

Implementing in Expandable

How it Works

The implementation is quite simple, but we need to understand how it works before we delve into writing some code.

The default usage of the Expandable component is as shown below:

Press + to interact
<Expandable.Icon />

Within the ...

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