Solution: Group Anagrams
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Solution: Using a dictionary and list
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;class Program{/// <summary>/// Method to find anagram pairs./// </summary>/// <param name="arr">An array of strings.</param>/// <returns>Group of anagrams.</returns>public static List<List<string>> Anagrams(string[] lst){// Empty dictionary which holds subsets of all anagrams togetherDictionary<string, List<string>> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();// traversing all the lst stringsforeach (string str in lst){char[] charArray = str.ToCharArray();// sorting the lst string and storing it in a keyArray.Sort(charArray);string key = new string(charArray);// if the key is already in the dictionary then appending the original lst(Anagram).if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key)){dictionary[key].Add(str);}else // If there is no key in the dictionary{dictionary[key] = new List<string> { str };}}// traversing the whole dictionary and concatenating values and keysList<List<string>> result = new List<List<string>>();foreach (var pair in dictionary){if (pair.Value.Count >= 2){result.Add(pair.Value.OrderBy(x => x).ToList());}}result.Sort(CompareLists); // sort the arraysreturn result;}public static int CompareLists(List<string> list1, List<string> list2){int minLength = Math.Min(list1.Count, list2.Count);for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++){int comparison = list1[i].CompareTo(list2[i]);if (comparison != 0){return comparison;}}return list1.Count - list2.Count;}// Driver to test above codestatic void Main(string[] args){string[] lst = new string[]{"tom marvolo riddle ","abc","def","cab","fed","clint eastwood ","i am lord voldemort","elvis","old west action","lives"};List<List<string>> result = Anagrams(lst);var resultsToPrint = new List<string>();foreach (var anagram in result){resultsToPrint.Add("[\"" + string.Join("\", \"", anagram) + "\"]");}Console.WriteLine("[" + string.Join(", ", resultsToPrint) + "]");}}
This solution sorts each input string in ascending order and considers it a key and the ...