Solution: Creating a React Component

Let's review the solution to this challenge.

Flowchart of a possible solution

In this challenge, you needed to create a React component called WalletMessage, which includes a button and a paragraph. On pressing the button, it’s expected that the connectivity of the wallet would be indicated with a message.

Press + to interact
import Web3 from "web3";
import {useEffect, useRef, useState,} from "react";
export default function Home() {
const web3 = useRef(null);
const [hasWalletWarning, setHasWalletWarning] = useState(false);
const [currentAccount, setCurrentAccount] = useState(null);
const connectWallet = async () => {
if (!checkIfWalletIsConnected()) {
try {
const { ethereum } = window;
const accounts = await ethereum.request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",
console.log("Connected", accounts[0]);
} catch (error) {
const checkIfWalletIsConnected = () => {
return Boolean(window.ethereum);
function MainButton({
}) {
return (
<button onClick={onClick} disabled={disabled}>
useEffect(() => {
const hasWallet = checkIfWalletIsConnected();
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (web3.current) {
if (!checkIfWalletIsConnected()) {
web3.current = new Web3(window.ethereum);
.then((block) => console.log(block));
}, []);
return (
{!currentAccount && (
<MainButton onClick={connectWallet}
label={"Connect Wallet"}/>
  • Line 3: We create the function Home(), which has the functions that are required to fulfill the task.

  • Lines 5–7: We pass the parameters to keep a check on the availability of the wallet by setting the useState hook to be false by default.

  • Lines 9–24: We create the check to see if the wallet is connected; if it is not, the connection will be made using etherum.request.

  • Lines 28–29: We create a boolean function that assures the availability of the wallet’s connection.

  • Lines 63–70: The main function prints Connect Wallet as the button.