ARMA and ARIMA Processes
Learn about the properties of ARMA and ARIMA processes.
ARMA and ARIMA processes are almost identical. Whether we use one or the other is a matter of our data’s order of integration. Let’s see why.
The acronym ARMA stands for Autoregressive Moving Average. In a way, the acronym delivers exactly what it promises: the ARMA process is just a combination of an AR(
Therefore, when modeling a time series,
Just like in the case of the AR(
Note: Again, just like in the case of AR() processes, an ARMA(,) process will be stationary if the roots of its lag polynomial are outside the unit circle.
Much like its ARMA cousin, the acronym ARIMA stands for Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average. The difference between ARMA and ARIMA processes, as we can see from the definition, is integration. ARIMA processes are used to model integrated data as a combination of an AR(
We can think of modeling a time series as an ARIMA process as a sequence of two steps.
We differentiate the series as many times it is necessary to make it stationary. This is a parameter of the model. It is called the order of integration. We usually refer to it as
. We estimate the AR(