Add Firebase to the Android Project

Learn how to create a new Firebase project using the Firebase console and add it to our Android project.


Firebase makes building and running apps easier as it provides multiple products and solutions for building, releasing, and monitoring our app. Firebase significantly speeds up development time as we can integrate these services into the app with just a few lines of code. Moreover, with Firebase, we don’t have to worry about setting up the backend since it covers the most common use cases.

Firebase offers services for user authentication, NoSQL databases, file storage, app notifications, app analytics, cloud functions, and machine learning, among other things. For example, we can potentially build an app like Instagram using Firebase services. A simple Instagram application requires authentication, a database for user metadata, notifications, storage for images, and a database for user posts, connections, and so on. All of these features can be built using Firebase services.

Let’s learn how to integrate Firebase with our Android application.

Step 1: Create a Firebase project

First, let’s create a new Firebase project using the Firebase console UI. Open the Firebase console to create a new project. Log in with a Google account to access the console.

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