

Testing Routes

Testing Routes

Learn how to test routing between components.

When we test routing in an Angular application, we want to check that our component calls the Router with the correct route and parameters. For example, when the user clicks on a link, we could check if the component redirects the user to the correct URL. We can achieve this by providing our TestBed with a mock of the Angular Router.

The simplest way to mock the Router is to use Jasmine to create our own mock object and spy on the navigateByUrl method. This is a flexible solution and lets us test simple cases.

For more complicated cases, we can use the RouterTestingModule provided by Angular. Although the RouterTestingModule takes some work to configure, it allows us to test components with more complicated interactions with the Router.

Using Jasmine to spy on the Router

We can use Jasmine to mock the Router's navigateByUrl method. This allows us to intercept redirect requests and make expectations about the arguments passed to the Router.

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let fakeRouter = jasmine.createSpyObj('Router', ['navigateByUrl']);

Here, we use Jasmine’s createSpyObj method to create a spy of the Router class mocking the navigateByUrl method. We can now provide this spy object to the TestBed when we set up our test, as shown below:

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beforeEach(async () => {
providers: [
{ provide: Router, useValue: fakeRouter }
declarations: [MyComponent]

Now, in our test, we can simulate an action that should lead to a routing event. For example, we can simulate the user clicking on a RouterLink element. Then, we can use the spy to verify that the Router was called with the correct URL ...