Set Up Project and Create API Credentials
Learn to set up a project on the Google Cloud Platform and create authorization credentials.
While a number of APIs and services use OAuth 2.0 for user authorization, we’re going to focus on the numerous services offered by Google.
Google sign in manages the OAuth 2.0 flow and token lifecycle that helps simplify the process of integrating Google APIs into applications. It helps you efficiently manage user authorization by signing in to your applications. It allows users to sign in to their Google accounts, provide consent, and share their information with your application in a secure manner. Moreover, it also enables users to revoke access to an application at any time.
This lesson goes over the steps needed to set up OAuth 2.0 with Google in your applications. These include creating a project on the Google Cloud Platform and generating the OAuth credentials.
Create a project
Step 1: Head over to the Google Cloud Platform, and sign in using your Google account credentials.
Step 2: You're redirected to the Google Cloud console home page. From the top menu bar, click "Select a project" next to the "Google Cloud" label.
Step 3: Click "NEW PROJECT" in the upper-right corner of the pop-up window. This redirects you to the project creation page.
Step 4: Enter the project name, and click the "CREATE" button.
Step 5: From the notifications dropdown menu to the right of the page, select the newly created project. This redirects you to the project information page.
Note: If you want to use an existing project, you can skip the project creation stage and select an existing project from the pop-up window.
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