Exercise: Calibrate a System and Compute Topography
Learn to calibrate a topography acquisition system and reconstruct a topographic slice through a coding exercise.
Problem statement
In this coding exercise, you’ll calibrate a laser line topography acquisition system. You’ll then use the computed calibration to reconstruct a slice of an object to inspect.
Launch the Jupyter Notebook app below and follow the instructions.
The comment lines starting with
# >>>
indicate that you must edit the cell.Replace the
values with the correct function calls.
The main steps that you’ll have to complete are:
Blur the calibration slice images.
Locate the
location where the intensity is maximum for each in the calibration slice images. For each
, solve an overdetermined system of linear equations to extract the parameters Blur the slice image of an object to inspect.
Locate the
location where the intensity is maximum for each in the object slice image. Reconstruct the object height for each
Expected output
If everything works as planned, this is the object topographic slice that you should get:
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