Regional vs. Edge APIs

Learn the basic concept of regional and Edge APIs, along with the comparison of their performance.

Edge location

Remember that the AWS infrastructure is divided into regions across the world. These regions, distributed across the globe, provide a strong network for all AWS deployments. The list of regions has grown over the years, but we generally have a few regions in each continent. These are still often far away from most of us, so AWS also has Edge locations. In addition, each region has several Edge locations under it. The Edge location is probably closer to us than the regional data centers. Of course, the capabilities of Edge locations are lower than those of the regional data centers. They’re strong enough to deploy an API.

Edge-optimized API

We can configure an API for deployment on the Edge.

In all the Rest APIs we’ve developed so far, we created a regional API. We specify it in the CloudFormation template, template.yml, as follows:

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