Service Integrations

Discover how to integrate other AWS services with the API gateway.

We integrate services with API Gateway to invoke them in response to requests. This lesson is a deep dive into the service integration with API Gateway. While integrating services with the API gateway, we can adopt two approaches. Either integrate a service through the Lambda function or integrate the service directly. For example, consider a serverless CRUD application that routes user requests through the API Gateway to the Lambda functions, which perform CRUD operations on a DynamoDB table.

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Integrating services with the API gateway
Integrating services with the API gateway

Another way is directly integrating the DynamoDB table with the API Gateway and eliminating the middleman, the Lambda function. This approach, though significantly reduces cost and latency, raises a question: How will API Gateway modify the request data according to the DynamoDB table?

Matching the data formats of the client and server is a main concern in service integrations. To address this mismatch, the API gateway maps the requests and responses. Let’s learn how these integrations work.

Integration request and integration response
