Service Integrations
Discover how to integrate other AWS services with the API gateway.
We integrate services with API Gateway to invoke them in response to requests. This lesson is a deep dive into the service integration with API Gateway. While integrating services with the API gateway, we can adopt two approaches. Either integrate a service through the Lambda function or integrate the service directly. For example, consider a serverless CRUD application that routes user requests through the API Gateway to the Lambda functions, which perform CRUD operations on a DynamoDB table.
Another way is directly integrating the DynamoDB table with the API Gateway and eliminating the middleman, the Lambda function. This approach, though significantly reduces cost and latency, raises a question: How will API Gateway modify the request data according to the DynamoDB table?
Matching the data formats of the client and server is a main concern in service integrations. To address this mismatch, the API gateway maps the requests and responses. Let’s learn how these integrations work.