

Introduction to Command Line

Introduction to Command Line

Here, you will briefly cover command line and will discuss a few special characters/operators which come in really handy while using the terminal.

What is the Command Line?

A command-line interface (CLI) or a command line interpreter or shell is simply a mean for the user to interact with the system in the form of progressive and sequential commands.

A useful way for the users to conduct various actions like viewing, handling, and manipulating files on the computer is Graphical-User-Interface or GUI. However, CLI is the primary approach to interact with the computer.

CLI has essential advantages, especially for meticulous computer users. It lets you more control over your system by allowing you to run system commands and automate your various tasks. Similarly, you can add modifiers to define exactly how you want your program to execute.


“Shells” have evolved through quite a many adaptations. In OS X and Linux, most commonly used shell is bash, whereas in Windows has MS-DOS based ...