

Middleware Creation for REST API

Middleware Creation for REST API

Learn how to add middleware to the REST API application.

We'll cover the following...

Add middleware

Middleware is a component that acts as an interceptor for the request before another request has proceeded. For example, the middleware is added to create a new item request. In this example, the middleware acts as authentication to ensure the authenticated user can create a new item request.

Inside the auth.go file in the utils directory, we add some helpers for authentication purposes.

Before the GenerateNewAccessToken() function, we add a struct for storing the JWT token’s metadata.

type TokenMetadata struct {
	Expires int64

After the GenerateNewAccessToken() function, we create a helper function called ExtractTokenMetadata.

// ExtractTokenMetadata returns token metadata
func ExtractTokenMetadata(c *fiber.Ctx) (*TokenMetadata, error) {
// verify the token
token, err := verifyToken(c)
// if verification is failed, return an error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get the token claim data
claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
// if token claim data exists and token is valid
if ok && token.Valid {
// set the token expiration date
expires := int64(claims["exp"].(float64))
// return the token metadata
return &TokenMetadata{
Expires: expires,
}, nil
// return an error if token is invalid
return nil, err
Function to create token metadata from the valid JWT token

In the code above, the ExtractTokenMetadata() function is used to extract the token metadata.

We then create a function called ...