Strapi's Content-Type Builder

Learn about content-types and the Content-type Builder that Strapi provides.


The Content-type Builder is one of Strapi’s default plugins. This is where we can create and manage content types. One important thing to know is that it’s only available in the development environment. It can be accessed from the navigation bar on the left side of the Strapi Dashboard. In the Content-type Builder, we can create and manage types and components. Components are a data structure that can be used in different places in the Strapi application. They can be used in multiple collection types and single types.

Creating content-types

Let’s take a look at how to create content-types in the Content-type Builder page of the Strapi admin panel.

Creating collection types and single types

First and foremost, we need to learn how to create collection types because they’ll be the most used content-type. Let’s see how to create a new collection type using the Content-type Builder:

  • Click the “Create new collection type” button in the subnavigation of the “Content-Type Builder.”

  • Fill in the “Display name” field. We’ll use “Recipe” for this example. The “API ID (Singular)” and the “API ID (Plural)” fields will be filled in automatically. Click “Continue” to move forward.

  • Click the type of field needed for the collection.

  • Add the name of the field in the “Name” text field. Now, we can click “Finish” to create the collection or click “Add another field” to add another field to the collection.

  • Repeat the previous two steps for all the fields of the collection type.

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