

Adding a User Interface for This App

Adding a User Interface for This App

Learn to write a simple home page for a web app by serving HTML code at endpoints.

Most web apps usually have an interface that the user can interact with. This interface consists of a bunch of files that are responsible for:

  • Framing and sending the appropriate requests to the server.

  • Receiving a response from the user and displaying it in a user-friendly way.

The most straightforward way to write these files is in HTML. So let's try to build this interface for our coffee shop web app.

Creating a home page for the app

The home page of an app is where the user first lands. Since creating beautiful web pages is not our focus here, we'll create a basic home page using the following HTML in a file called index.html.

Press + to interact
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The Coffeeshop</title>
Welcome to the Shop!

We'll put this file in a folder called templates. This folder is also where we'll put any other HTML we write. The overall project structure now becomes:

|__ go.mod
|__ go.sum
|__ config.json
|__ coffee
|__ coffee.go
|__ templates
|__ index.html
Project structure so far

Now let's look at how we can make sure this file is ...