Let’s get a brief overview of React and its building blocks.
We will start to talk about the view layer of our application. This lesson briefly introduces React, its central concepts, and its building blocks.
We’ll begin this lesson with a discussion about the view layer of our application. This lesson briefly introduces us to React, its central concepts, and its building blocks. The official documentation of React says that, “React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called components.” This definition will make more sense by the end of this lesson, but for now, we just need to be aware of the fact that React is a library, not a framework.
Since React is a library, we have the option to choose whatever tools we want to use! For example, we can perform HTTP requests using Axios or the vanilla Fetch API. We may decide to use Formik, Hook Form, or even handle forms using vanilla JavaScript. This comprehensive set of choices makes React un-opinionated and gives us the flexibility to choose how we want to build our project. However, we must be ...