Build a User Management API

Build a practical application using the hash and string data types.

Application overview

The solution is a server-side side application that exposes REST endpoints for managing users. You can interact with the application by executing these operations.

Use cases

The following use cases have been implemented in the application:

  • Create a user by sending an HTTP POST request: Adding a user involves two Redis operations. First, a user ID is generated using Incr, followed by the invocation of HSet to store user details in a hash. The autogenerated ID is used in the name of the hash in the format user:<user_id>.

  • Query a user with its ID by sending an HTTP GET request: Fetching user details involves executing the HGetAll method. The hash containing the user data is in the format user:<user_id>. The user ID being queried is extracted from the HTTP request and is used in the call to HGetAll. If the user is present, the user data is returned as the HTTP response body.

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High-level overview of the User Management application
High-level overview of the User Management application

This lesson will cover how the application works.

Code explanation

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