

Implementing Routing in Svelte

Implementing Routing in Svelte

Learn how to implement an SPA routing in Svelte using the svelte-routing library.

So far, we've only worked on one page, but most web applications have multiple pages. In this lesson, we're going to take a look at how to implement routing in Svelte to create more pages and navigate between them.

By default, Svelte doesn't have a built-in way to handle routing, so we're going to use a third-party community-developed package called svelte-routing. We're going to define all routes at the root of our application, App.svelte:

  import { state } from '../state'
  import Header from '../components/Header.svelte'

  export let id;

  const student = $state.students.find(student => [id, Number(id)].includes(student.id));

<Header />
details view for: {id}
Add routes

We need to import the Router and Route components from svelte-routing. For each route, we want to use the Route component with a component prop, where we can pass the component that we want to render. Notice that Route components can only be used inside the Router ...