Exploring Implementation Details in Code

Learn how to implement the producer-consumer pattern in code using Kafka libraries, setting up producer and consumer components with event handling.

There are several ways in which the producer-consumer pattern can be implemented in code. Some samples can be downloaded and run, along with custom implementations that we might find in domain libraries or core (shared) libraries. Let’s look at sample code that uses the Confluent libraries for Kafka, which provide a simple and easy-to-understand abstraction layer for interacting with Kafka. We need to ensure that we have Docker installed because the installation is dependent upon running the docker compose command. The start order for this example code will be to run the docker-compose up command, then right-click on the consumer project and select the “Debug > Start New Instance” option, then right-click on the producer project and select the “Debug > Start New Instance” option.

The producer code

Let’s start with the producer code, which can be set up using the minimal API feature in ASP.NET Core. To begin, create a new project in Visual Studio using the empty ASP.NET Core application template. The following figure shows the template after utilizing a search with “C#” set as the language and “Web” set as the project type:

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