Introduction to GitHub Actions and Selenium

Get introduced to GitHub actions: continuous integration and continuous delivery tool.

GitHub Actions

You might be wondering what’s next. You have a working application with some automated tests on your local machine, and you might want to deploy the application for others to use.

GitHub is a platform where we can store our code on a remote server. This can help smoothen the process of code deployment and collaboration.

Before we deploy our code to production, we can run the test manually to make sure it passes and there are no bugs. However, we have a tool provided by GitHub called GitHub Actions that’s become available in recent years.

GitHub Actions is a continuous integration or continuous delivery tool and has numerous features. We only cover a few here. After we deploy our code to GitHub, we can instruct GitHub Actions to automatically spin up a Django server and run our tests for us.


For this lesson, we need a GitHub account as well as Git (a free and open-source distributed version control system) on our local system.

To know if Git is installed on your local system, enter the following command:

git --version

You should get the version of your Git installation.

Practical example

Navigate to and make a fork of this repository in your own GitHub account by clicking on the “Fork” button.

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