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Course Overview
What Is NestJS?
NestJS Fundamentals
NestJS Project Structure
RESTful API: Principles and Benefits
Request, Response, and Status Codes
Controllers and Routes
Modules and Dependency Injection
NestJS Platforms: Express vs. Fastify
Quiz: NestJS Fundamentals
Connecting with REST: Building the Address Book App with NestJS
Address Book API Overview
Create a New App Using NestJS CLI
Module Creation
Create a Controller and Service
Create a DTO and Introduce Entities
Create the GET Endpoint
Set Up Hot-Module Replacement
Create the POST, PUT, and DELETE Endpoints
Asynchronous Programming in NestJS
Integrate Swagger into the App
Quiz: Building a NestJS API
Course Assessment
Understand the Basics of NestJS and RESTful APIs
Validation, Exception Handling, and Logging
Validation Overview
Validate Request with a Pipe
Validate Request Payload with a Custom Pipe
Exception Filter
Custom Exception
Default NestJS Logger and Custom Logger
Log Requests and Responses in Middleware
Quiz: Validation, Exception Handling, and Logging
Persist Data with TypeORM and MySQL
ORM and NestJS
Configure TypeORM and Database Connection
Implement Create Operation
Implement the Read, Update, and Delete Operations
Code-First vs. Database-First
TypeORM QueryBuilder
Handle One-to-One and One-to-Many Relationships
Handling Many-to-Many Relationships
Migration with TypeORM
Quiz: NestJS TypeORM
Serialization and Interceptors
Group-Based Serialization
Implement Caching Using Interceptors
Implement a Custom Interceptor
Quiz: Serialization and Interceptors
Authentication and Authorization
NestJS Authentication Overview
Creating an Authentication Module with User Sign-Up
Implement a Login Endpoint with a JWT
Managing Program Flow Using Guards
Implement Passport Authentication with Local Strategy
Implement Passport Authentication with the JWT Strategy
Implement Role-Based Access Control
Quiz: Authentication and Authorization
Course Assessment
Persist Data, Authentication, Validation, and Serialization
Unit Test Overview
Jest and NestJS
Create a Unit Test in NestJS with Mocks
Create Unit Tests for the Controller and Interceptor
Generate Test Coverage Report
E2E Tests Overview
Create an E2E Test
Quiz: Unit Tests and E2E Tests
NestJS Application Deployment Overview
Use the AWS CLI to Configure a MySQL Database in Amazon RDS
Dockerizing the NestJS App
ECR and ECS Configuration
Deploy NestJS App to Amazon ECS
Quiz: Deployment
Course Assessment
Testing and Deployment
Key Takeaways and Next Steps
Set Up a Local Development Environment
Set Up MySQL with Docker
Set Up a Free AWS Account
Building Secure RESTful APIs with NestJS: A Practical Guide
Set Up a Free AWS Account
Set Up a Free AWS Account
Learn how to create a free AWS account.
We'll cover the following...
A step-by-step guide to creating a free AWS account
Start the AWS sign-up
Confirm email
Create a root user password
Contact information
Payment information
Identity verification
Choose a support plan
A step-by-step guide to creating a free AWS account