The Final App

Learn how to configure and compile Flutter apps for cross-platform use.

At the beginning of the course, we chose to create a tree forum app as our learning project where users can post and learn about tree planting events in their region. The project was divided into segments throughout this course, and by progressing through each segment, we developed the app. Now, the final action that remains is to combine the different sections and create a continuous cross-platform application.

To achieve this, we need to do the following:


We have to use the GetX package to list all the pages we have created in our app to ease the navigation process across the app. The route is listed in the main.dart file as follows:

Press + to interact
getPages: [
GetPage(name: '/', page: () => const SplashScreen()),
GetPage(name: '/login', page: () => const LoginInPage()),
GetPage(name: '/signup', page: () => const SignUpPage()),
GetPage(name: '/Profile', page: () => UserProfileScreen()),
GetPage(name: '/Welcome', page: () => WelcomePage()),
GetPage(name: '/Addpost', page: () => const AddPost()),
GetPage(name: '/Form', page: () => const ProfileTab()),
name: '/Homepage',
page: () => const HomePage(
selectedIndex: 0,
name: '/Response',
page: () => const ResponsiveLayout(
mobileScreenLayout: mobilescreenlayout(),
webScreenLayout: weblcreenlayout())),
initialRoute: '/',

Here we configure the routing of the app using the GetPage class of the GetX library on lines 3–20. Each route is associated with a specific page or screen of the app. As an example, the /login route maps the LoginInPage page.

Responsive UI

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