

Cloud Computing Models & Their Evolution

Cloud Computing Models & Their Evolution

Understand the differences between on-premises vs IaaS vs PaaS and SaaS offerings.


In the On-Premises model, you as a customer own and manage your own Datacenter. Hard to manage and maintain. There are two models here -

  1. The customer has the data center at the location where the dev team is located. It’s normally in a generic office building. Though this is only done when the hardware footprint is small the disadvantage of this setup is that when you grow it’s very hard to grow the hardware as there are physical space constraints. Also if your building loses power for some reason your infrastructure is affected.

  2. You are co-located with several other tenants in a data center owned and operated by a third party. You pay a fee for the space, electricity you as a customer use. This is a very common mode of operation. However, in an event of a hardware/server failure, you need to send a technician to fix ...