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Let's Begin
Course Introduction
Introduction to Collections
Lists in Java
ArrayList: Introduction
ArrayList: Inserting and Retrieving Elements
ArrayList: Operations
ArrayList: Iteration
ArrayList: Iteration using ListIterator
ArrayList Sorting
Understanding Comparable Interface
Understanding Comparator Interface
ArrayList: Exercise
ArrayList: Exercise Solution
Quiz: ArrayList
LinkedList in Java
LinkedList: Introduction
LinkedList: Fetching and Removing
CopyOnWriteArrayList in Java
CopyOnWriteArrayList: Introduction
CopyOnWriteArrayList: Internal Working
CopyOnWriteArrayList: Iteration
Sets in Java
HashSet: Creation and Insertion
HashSet: Operations
HashSet: Iteration and Sorting
HashSet: Exercise
HashSet: Exercise Solution
HashSet: Quiz
TreeSet in Java
TreeSet: Creation and Insertion
TreeSet: Fetching and Removal
TreeSet: Exercise
TreeSet Exercise Solution
HashMap In Java
HashMap: Creation and Insertion
HashMap: Updation and Removal
HashMap: Operations
HashMap: Java 8 Improvements
HashMap: Internal Implementation
HashMap: How to Design a Good Key
HashMap: Iteration
HashMap: Exercise
HashMap: Exercise Solution
HashMap: Quiz
TreeMap in Java
TreeMap: Creation and Insertion
TreeMap: Fetching and Removal
TreeMap: Sorting a TreeMap by Values
TreeMap: HashMap Sorting
LinkedHashMap in Java
LinkedHashMap: Introduction
LinkedHashMap: Internal Working
Additional Map Implementations
Arrays Class
Searching an Array
Sorting an Array
Copying an Array
Arrays: Operations
Quiz: Arrays
Collections Class
Finding the Min and Max element
Searching, Filing, and Copying Collection
Making Collections Unmodifiable
Making Collections thread-safe
Thank You!
Collections in Java
HashSet: Exercise Solution
HashSet: Exercise Solution
Let's look at a solution for the HashSet problem.
We'll cover the following...
Solution to HashSet exercise
Solution to