We'll cover the following...
As briefly mentioned before, there are 3 variants of Balanced BST in STL that we are particularly interested in:
Include statement:
#include <set>
#include <multiset>
#include <map>
The Set is a container that stores unique elements following a specific order.
Below are the operations we’ll be using frequently. For complete documentation check here.
set<int> S; // empty setbool x = S.empty(); // to check if set is emptyint sz = S.size(); // get size of setS.insert(x); // Insert integer x into the setS.erase(x); // Remove integer x from the setS.erase(it); // Iterator version of eraseset<int>::iterator it = S.find(x); // Returns iterator to element with passed value if exists else return iterator to S.end()
Since a set only has unique elements, adding duplicate elements doesn’t have any effect.
Multiset elevates the limitation with Set, we can have duplicate elements in a multiset.
Below are the operations we’ll be using frequently. For complete documentation check here.
multiset<int> S; // empty multisetbool x = S.empty(); // to check if multiset is emptyint sz = S.size(); // get size of multisetS.insert(x); // Insert integer x into the multisetS.erase(x); // Remove integer x from the multisetS.erase(it); // Iterator version of erasemultiset<int>::iterator it = S.find(x); // Returns iterator to element with passed value if exists else return iterator to S.end()
The Iterator version of
should be used when dealing with multiset. The non-iterator version ...