

Array Examples: Part 1

Array Examples: Part 1

Learn with the help of examples to manipulate arrays for our benefit in this lesson.

Coding example: 28

The following example will display how we can declare, initialize, and allocate memory for different types of variables. Read the comments written inside the example.

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Introduction to array object
Primitive data types are not objects created from a class. They are special data types built into the language.
To build an array object we need to take help from primitive data types.
The only exception is String
What features will distinguish array from primitive data types?
Let us see to that problem
public class ExampleTwentyEight {
public static void main(String[] args){
//an example of primitive data type
//a variable is a container that contains a value or a primitive data types
int myAge = 54;
System.out.println("An example of primitive data type : " + myAge);
//in case of array we declare and allocate memory with a new keyword
//the following array container holds a fixed number of value of data type int
//the length of the array is established
//here the length is 2, this container has 2 elements
int[] myBasket = new int[2];
//each item or element has a corresponding numerical index that starts with 0
myBasket[0] = 2;
myBasket[1] = 3;
//each element can be accessed by its corresponding numerical index
System.out.println("The first element of my basket : " + myBasket[0]);
System.out.println("The second element of my basket : " + myBasket[1]);

Code explanation

The output gives us an idea about how we can treat these variables in a different way.

Coding example: 29

Initializing ...