

Revisiting the Producer

Revisiting the Producer

We'll update the consumer demand in our scraper project and then build an API to send requests to scrape pages.

Update consumer demand

Now, for our scraper project, let’s lower the demand to something more suitable:

Press + to interact
def init(initial_state) do
Logger.info("PageConsumer init")
sub_opts = [{PageProducer, min_demand: 0, max_demand: 3}]
{:consumer, initial_state, subscribe_to: sub_opts}

With min_demand set to 0 and max_demand set to 3, we ensure that the consumer takes at least one event when available, up to 3 at a time. However, our producer still has to supply the consumers with events, and right now, it doesn’t do anything. Let’s fix this.

Going back to PageProducer, we have implemented the handle_demand/2 callback to respond to demand and produce events. Remember that handle_demand/2 is always called when the producer ...