

Introduction to the Course

Introduction to the Course

Gain insight into the objectives of the course.

Who is this course for?

This course is for learners who want to understand how to configure a network of computers programmatically all at once using configuration management with Ansible and other tools.

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Configuration management overview
Configuration management overview

The course is also targeted toward learners who want to explore how to use modulesThese are the reusable units of scripts that Ansible uses to manage target hosts. with other core components of Ansible to automate tasks on servers with the help of a network communication protocol like SSH.

Why take this course?

Ansible is an important tool for configuration management, which makes it easy to manage large infrastructure setups. Therefore, this course aims to reinforce the creation of Ansible tasks using the YAML syntax.

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Using Ansible to configure different environments
Using Ansible to configure different environments

In this course, you will learn to write ad hoc commands to execute basic tasks and then move on to set up fully fledged playbooks that execute a series of coordinated actions. This course is completely hands-on because it includes multiple code playgrounds for interactivity as well as a final project to experiment with the use of Ansible for configuration management.

Course learning outcomes

Taking this course will enable you to fully understand configuration management along with its different available tools. Moreover, the course will familiarize you with the fundamentals of the Ansible architecture and control/managed nodes. This course will also empower you with the knowledge of writing playbooks and Ansible ad hoc commands in addition to organizing a host inventory. Last, you will gain insight into Ansible variables and some other important concepts like Ansible roles.