Get Started
Set up your credentials to get the API key for Clearbit.
We'll cover the following...
To use the Clearbit APIs, we need to first create an account on Clearbit and then access the API key via a specific API URL.
Get the API Key
We can sign-up for our free Clearbit account on their official page. Please follow the steps below to successfully sign-up:
- Enter your email address and password, then click the “Next” button.
- Fill in your primary details like full name, job title, phone number, company name, and size, then check the agreement box and click the “Agree and Continue” button.
- After verification via email or phone number, a successful sign-up would take you to the homepage of Clearbit.
- Once signed up and logged in, visit this URL to access your Clearbit API key.
The slides below will help you to visualize this process:
Save the API key
Now that we’ve gotten our Clearbit API key, let’s check whether it works or not. Click the “Edit” button below, and then enter your API key in the field API_KEY
. Don't forget to save the value by clicking “Save” so it’s available for us to use throughout the course.
Press + to interact
Not Specified...
import jsonimport requestsfrom pprint import pprinturl = ""params= {'name':'Educative'}headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer {{API_KEY}}'}response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=params)