

Changing the Number of Ticks on an Axis

Changing the Number of Ticks on an Axis

Learn to change the number of ticks on the axes of your graph.

Now we shall address the other problem that cropped up when we changed the size of the text. We have overlapping values on the x-axis.

Overlapping axis values
Overlapping axis values

If I was to be brutally honest, I think that there are too many values (ticks) on the graph. The format of the values (especially on the x-axis) is too wide, and this type of overlap was bound to happen eventually. Good news; D3 has got us covered.

The axis component

The axis component includes a function to specify the number of ticks on an axis. All we need to do is add in the function and the number of ticks like:

Press + to interact
// Add the X Axis
.attr("class", "axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")

With the end result looking like this:

Nicely spaced axis values
Nicely spaced axis values