In this lesson, we’ll learn how to implement the MixedFraction class using the principles of OOP. We’ll follow a step-by-step approach to designing a modular and powerful class, incorporating key concepts such as constructors, destructors, static functions and attributes, utility functions, private and public access modifiers, abstraction, and encapsulation.

Your implementation

By following the given steps, write your own implementation in MixedFraction.h and MixedFraction.cpp here:

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// Write your class declaration (ADT) here

Implementation of the mixed fraction program

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the MixedFraction class

Start by defining the MixedFraction class, which will encapsulate the data and functionality related to mixed fractions. We’ll also declare private member variables for the sign (s), whole part (w), numerator (n), and denominator (d).

// MixedFraction.h
class MixedFraction
int s;
int w;
int n;
int d;
// Constructor
MixedFraction(int sign, int whole, int numerator, int denominator);
// Utility functions
// ...
// Member functions
// ...
Defining the class

Step 2: Implement the constructor

Next, implement the constructor of the MixedFraction class. The constructor will initialize the object with the provided values and set the private member variables accordingly.

// MixedFraction.cpp
#include "MixedFraction.h"
MixedFraction::MixedFraction(int sign, int whole, int numerator, int denominator)
: s(sign), w(whole), n(numerator), d(denominator) // initialized using member initialization
Implementing the constructor

Step 3: Implement the utility functions

Now, implement some utility functions, such as GCD(), that will be used internally within the class. Make these functions private because they’re not meant to be accessed from outside the class.

// MixedFraction.h
class MixedFraction {
// ...
int GCD(int a, int b);
// ...
Implementing utility functions

Add the definition in the MixedFraction.cpp file.

int MixedFraction::GCD(int a, int b)
while (a % b != 0)
int r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;
return b;
Adding the definition

Step 4: Implement member functions

Next, implement member functions for various operations on mixed fractions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These functions will perform calculations using the private member variables of the class.

// MixedFraction.cpp
class MixedFraction
// ...
// ...
MixedFraction add(const MixedFraction& other);
MixedFraction subtract(const MixedFraction& other);
MixedFraction multiply(const MixedFraction& other);
MixedFraction divide(const MixedFraction& other);
Implementing member functions

Add dummy definitions in the MixedFraction.cpp file.

MixedFraction MixedFraction::add(const MixedFraction& other)
// Perform addition operation
MixedFraction result;
// write your code here
return result;
// The remaining 3 we will write in the next lesson
MixedFraction MixedFraction::subtract(const MixedFraction& other)
// Perform subtraction operation
MixedFraction result;
// write your code here...
return result;
MixedFraction MixedFraction::multiply(const MixedFraction& other)
// Perform multiplication operation
MixedFraction result;
// write your code here
return result;
MixedFraction MixedFraction::divide(const MixedFraction& other)
// Perform division operation
MixedFraction result;
return result;
Adding dummy definitions

Step 5: Implement the utility functions

Within the member functions, we can use private utility functions to perform intermediate steps or calculations. These functions will aid in the encapsulation of logic and promote code reusability.

class MixedFraction {
// ...
void improperFraction();
void sameDenominator(MixedFraction& other);
void computeSign();
void convertToMixedFraction();
Implementing utility functions

Add their implementation like so:

void MixedFraction::improperFraction()
// Convert to improper fraction
// ...
void MixedFraction::sameDenominator(MixedFraction& other)
// Make denominators same
// ...
void MixedFraction::computeSign()
// Compute sign
// ...
void MixedFraction::convertToMixedFraction()
// Convert back to mixed fraction
// ...
Adding the implementation of utility functions

Step 6: Implement the print() function

We can also implement a member function to print the mixed fraction along with an appropriate message. This function will accept a string parameter to display the message.

using namespace std;
class MixedFraction
// ...
// ...
void print(const string& msg) const;
Implementation of print() function

Add its implementation to the MixedFraction.cpp file.

void MixedFraction::print(const string& msg) const
cout << msg << " = ";
if (sign == -1)
cout << "-";
cout << whole << "<" << numerator << "/" << denominator << ">\n";
Adding the instance of print() function

Step 7: Complete the member function implementations

Complete the implementation of the member functions by incorporating the previously defined utility functions. Each member function will perform the required calculations, ensuring that the original objects passed to the functions are not modified.

MixedFraction MixedFraction::add(const MixedFraction& other)
MixedFraction result = (*this);
MixedFraction otherCopy(other);
result.n += otherCopy.n;
// Reduce the fraction
// ...
return result;
// Implement subtract, multiply, and divide functions using a similar approach
Complete implementation of member functions

Step 8: Implement the reduce() function (optional)

To reduce the fraction to its simplest form, we can implement a private member function called the reduce() function. This function can be called from other member functions after performing the required calculations.

class MixedFraction {
// ...
void reduce();
// ...
Implementation of reduce() function

In the MixedFraction.cpp file, add the following:

void MixedFraction::reduce()
int gcd = GCD(n, d);
n /= gcd;
d /= gcd;
adding the instance of reduce() function

And with that, we’re done with the entire implementation. Feel free to test the code. If you have trouble implementing or running the code, look at the complete implementation below.

Complete implementation of the mixed fractions

Here’s the complete implementation, which you may explore. In the next exercise lesson, you will be implementing the remaining three functions.

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#include "MixedFraction.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int MixedFraction::GCD(int a, int b)
while (a % b != 0) {
int r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;
return b;
void MixedFraction::improperFraction()
this->n = (this->d * this->w) + this->n;
this->w = 0;
void MixedFraction::sameDenominator(MixedFraction& other)
this->n = this->n * other.d * this->s;
other.n = other.n * this->d * other.s;
d = other.d = this->d * other.d;
void MixedFraction::computeSign()
if (this->n < 0)
this->s = -1;
this->s = 1;
this->n = abs(this->n);
void MixedFraction::convertToMixedFraction()
this->w = this->n / this->d;
this->n = this->n % this->d;
MixedFraction::MixedFraction(int sign, int whole, int numerator, int denominator)
: s(sign), w(whole), n(numerator), d(denominator)
void MixedFraction::print(const std::string& msg) const
cout << msg << ": ";
if (s == -1)
cout << "-";
cout << this->w << "<" << this->n << "/" << this->d << ">\n";
void MixedFraction::reduce()
int gcd = GCD(this->n, this->d);
this->n /= gcd;
this->d /= gcd;
MixedFraction MixedFraction::add(const MixedFraction& other) const
MixedFraction result(0, 0, 0, 0);
MixedFraction leftCopy = *this;
MixedFraction rightCopy = other;
result.n = leftCopy.n + rightCopy.n;
result.d = leftCopy.d;
return result;
MixedFraction MixedFraction::subtract(const MixedFraction& other) const
MixedFraction result;
// Write your implementation here
return result;
MixedFraction MixedFraction::multiply(const MixedFraction& other) const
MixedFraction result;
// Write your implementation here
return result;
MixedFraction MixedFraction::divide(const MixedFraction& other) const
MixedFraction result;
// Write your implementation here
return result;