

Additional Themes in ggplot2

Additional Themes in ggplot2

Learn about ggthemes and ggdark packages for theme customization in ggplot2 data visualizations.

Additional themes available for ggplot2

In addition to the built-in themes provided by ggplot2, several libraries offer additional themes helpful to customize the appearance of plots. These libraries include ggthemes, ggdark, ggtech, ggthemr, and hrbrthemes, which provide a wide range of themes with different visual styles and color palettes.

We’ll discuss two of these libraries in detail and how to use their themes in ggplot2 plots with examples. We can add more variety and customization to our plots using these additional themes.

Let’s first create a density plot using the iris dataset and then explore the additional themes in ggplot2:

Press + to interact
chart<-ggplot(iris) +
geom_density(aes(x = Sepal.Length, fill=Species),
  • Line 1: We create a new object named chart and use the assignment operator <- for storing the graph in the chart object. We initialize a new ggplot object with the ggplot() function and pass the name of the iris dataset. Using the + operator, we add a layer to the ggplot object.
  • Line 2: We use the geom_density() function to create a density plot. Next, we use the
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