

Loading an Excel Dataset into a DataFrame

Loading an Excel Dataset into a DataFrame

Learn to import an Excel dataset into a DataFrame.

Loading Excel files

Sometimes we can store data inside other data sources, such as Excel files. We can also store this data online and access it through a URL.

To import such data, we use the read_excel() pandas function.

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import pandas as pd
excel_df = pd.read_excel("https://github.com/CourseMaterial/DataWrangling/blob/main/housing.xlsx?raw=true")

Let’s review the code line by line:

  • Line 1: We import the pandas library.

  • Line 2: We use the read_excel() function to read the Excel file with the URL https://bit.ly/housingexcelds and store it in excel_df.

  • Line 3: We print the last five ...